WHEN: 3-day Workshop - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 3-5, 2024
TIME: 9am - 4pm*
COST: $495 MBAA Members / $550 Non-members
Are you ever unhappy with the colors in your painting but don’t know why? Do you find yourself (and your colors) “in the mud” but you’re not sure how to fix it? In this workshop, you’ll connect with other artists while learning techniques to keep your colors consistently vibrant and accurate. Working with still lifes, Anita will guide you through the techniques of color mastery — choosing color harmonies that make your paintings sing, and using color to create perspective and mood. This workshop is designed for intermediate and advanced oil painters wanting to take their work to the next level - with color!
A materials list will be provided upon registration.
*There will be a lunch break from 12-1pm each day (participants arrange own lunches).
Anita Hampton has been painting since she was 12. Always a learner, she has studied master painters’ techniques, from Pablo Picasso to Edgar Payne. Anita has achieved many accolades - from being listed in Who’s Who of American Painters to painting commissioned work for respected collectors, but it’s teaching that she loves most. She believes the key to becoming a great painter is to keep painting! Learn more about Anita and her work at anitahampton.com.